
Cyber ​​Farud: 84 thousand lost in affair of British bride, number blocked after extorting money

The woman cheated 1.27 crore by luring a part time job, this is how the man got drowned

Bhagalpur: Everyday cases of money being stolen from bank accounts and credit cards are coming to the fore in different ways of cyber fraud in the district, state as well as in the country. In this sequence, the fourth and fifth cases have been reported after the inauguration in Bhagalpur Cyber ​​Police Station. In one … Read more

Bihar: Professor came under the guise of cyber fraud, rejected the job offer and cheated four and a half lakhs in the name of enrollment

Bihar: Professor came under the guise of cyber fraud, rejected the job offer and cheated four and a half lakhs in the name of enrollment

Muzaffarpur: The cases of cyber fraud and cheating are increasing continuously. Cyber ​​fraudsters and fraudsters are adopting different methods everyday. SKMCH professor Dr. Sujit Kumar has also become a victim of cyber fraud. Katihar Medical College has been cheated of Rs 4.5 lakh on the pretext of enrolling in MBBS. Dr. Sujit Kumar has accused … Read more