
Why were the cards of these veterans removed from Chatra and Dhanbad Lok Sabha seats of Jharkhand?

Dhanbad is the largest area of ​​Jharkhand in terms of voters, this assembly constituency has the highest number of voters - Prabhat Khabar

Ranchi: The party has canceled the ticket of Sunil Singh, a two-time MP from Chatra. At the same time, three-time MP PN Singh was also removed from Dhanbad. There was huge dissatisfaction in the area regarding MP Sunil Singh. Sunil Singh did not have good influence even among the workers. He was staying away from … Read more

On the statement of MP PN Singh, Saryu Rai said – Apart from politics, he is not active in any field.

Ranchi: Saryu Rai demanded to stop pollution of Swarnarekha and Kharkai rivers.

MLA Saryu Rai further said that I am giving a brief comment on what he said while venting his anger about me. But in this very statement, PN Singh ji has shown a favor to the BJP that “he had for the first time given the seat to the BJP” which the BJP had never … Read more

Jharkhand Lok Sabha Elections: Age is becoming an obstacle in front of MP PN Singh, these contenders are from Dhanbad seat

Jharkhand Lok Sabha Elections: Age is becoming an obstacle in front of MP PN Singh, these contenders are from Dhanbad seat

Anand Mohan, Ranchi: Dhanbad parliamentary seat is a stronghold of the BJP. Such an impenetrable fort, that even after panting a lot, the opponents are not able to destroy it. With the tide of Ram Janmabhoomi, the BJP made such inroads in Dhanbad that the red flag that reached the Parliament with the help of … Read more