
Pitru Paksha 2023: Pitru Paksha starts from today, know the rules and mantras of Pitru Tarpan here

Pitru Paksha 2023 is starting from today, know here the importance of going to Falgu Tirtha and offering tarpan.

Offer offerings to ancestors while facing south. Pandit Gunanand Jha told that by pouring Ganga water along with sesame seeds, barley, kush, white flowers and water in the pot, tarpan to the ancestors should be done facing south. Offer tarpan while invoking the ancestors in their names. Tarpan to the gods should be done facing … Read more

Pitripaksha Fair 2023: Pandal decorated and ready in Vishnupad courtyard, group of pilgrims started arriving

Pitripaksha Fair 2023: Pandal decorated and ready in Vishnupad courtyard, group of pilgrims started arriving

A grand pandal has been made in Vishnupad courtyard for the Pitripaksha fair Mahasangam 2023 starting from September 28 in the pilgrimage destination Gayaji. This pandal is completely decorated and ready. This Pitru Paksha fair will be formally inaugurated on 28th September. Groups of pilgrims have started arriving since Wednesday to participate in this fair. … Read more