
Best Honeymoon Destinations Outside India: If you want to celebrate honeymoon abroad, then select these best destinations.

Best Honeymoon Destinations Outside India: If you want to celebrate honeymoon abroad, then select these best destinations.

Kathmandu: Best Honeymoon Destinations Outside India kathmandu Marriage is a very sacred affair in India. Therefore, there is no better place than Kathmandu to start a marital relationship where spirituality will help couples understand each other from within. As the flight begins to land at Kathmandu airport, a sea of ​​temple peaks is visible from … Read more

Electric scooters will not run on the streets of Paris from September 1, will be banned! Know what is the reason

Electric scooters will not run on the streets of Paris from September 1, will be banned!  Know what is the reason

New Delhi : While various schemes are being run by governments to promote electric vehicles in the country and the world, electric scooters will be banned in the French capital Paris from this week. You will be surprised to know this, but it is also very important to know the reasons behind this, will electric … Read more

World Best Tourist Places to Visit: From Paris to Maldives, these are the best places to visit in the world

World Best Tourist Places to Visit: From Paris to Maldives, these are the best places to visit in the world

World Best Tourist Places to Visit: If you are fond of traveling the world then it is not easy to choose the best places in the world. If you have confusion about this matter, if you want to travel abroad, then where to go for a trip, then we are giving you information about such … Read more

Indian Economy: India is emerging as a great power, western countries are betting wisely, know what the expert said

Indian Economy: India is emerging as a great power, western countries are betting wisely, know what the expert said

Indian Economy: Where the economy of the whole world is lying sluggish. At the same time, India is fast emerging as a global economic power. By 2050, India can become the third largest economy in the world. Commenting on this, renowned economist and commentator Martin Wolf said that the Indian economy is definitely poised to … Read more