
Nirmala Sitharaman spoke on the negative western perception of the country, come to India and see the truth

Nirmala Sitharaman spoke on the negative western perception of the country, come to India and see the truth

[ad_1] Nirmala Sitharaman: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is on a US tour to attend the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group. During this, he made a statement on the revival of the Indian economy after the Corona epidemic at the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE). Nirmala Sitharaman … Read more

Pakistan may go bankrupt, will have to pay foreign debt of $ 77.5 billion

Pakistan may go bankrupt, will have to pay foreign debt of $ 77.5 billion

[ad_1] Pakistan: Pakistan has to repay foreign debt of $ 77.5 billion between April 2023 and June 2026. In such a situation, the country facing cash crunch is in real danger of bankruptcy and may have to face disruptive effects. The United States Institute of Peace (USIP), a leading US-based research institute, warned in an … Read more

Lest Pakistan’s condition become like Turkey and Myanmar… Imran Khan warned

Lest Pakistan's condition become like Turkey and Myanmar... Imran Khan warned

[ad_1] Imran Khan has given a big statement about his country Pakistan. He has appealed to the people not to let Pakistan become like Myanmar and Turkey. He said that today the situation has become such in the country that it can become Myanmar or can be like Turkey. He has told the people that … Read more