
Farmers in Banka are still hoping for rain, even after running the pump set they were able to sow only 10 percent paddy

Farmers in Banka are still hoping for rain, even after running the pump set they were able to sow only 10 percent paddy

Report: Madan Kumar Dandy. Some farmers are doing plantation in Jitarpur Bahiyar village, adjacent to Chandan river. However, despite being on the banks of the river, the scarcity of water is clearly visible here. Young farmer Nakul Yadav says that for the last 15 days, he has been delivering water to the field with a … Read more

Jharkhand: O God, now it is raining, farmers of Gumla are praying to God every day, worship is happening in the village

Jharkhand: O God, now it is raining, farmers of Gumla are praying to God every day, worship is happening in the village

Gumla, Jagarnath / Jolly: Farmers are worried due to lack of rains suitable for cultivation in various areas of Gumla district. The worst condition is of the villages situated in the mountains and forests. Where weed has been planted in the field, but due to lack of rain, weed has started drying up. Even in … Read more

Bihar hit by drought, 38 in Sitamarhi and only 2.9 percent paddy planting in Gaya

Bihar: After shearing, the length of the second variety of paddy will be small, this way the income of the farmers will increase.

Patna. Due to less rains in Bihar, conditions of drought have arisen. Even after the monsoon is active, it is not able to provide water for cultivation. The fields are dry in North Bihar as well, the condition of South Bihar is even worse. The eyes of the farmers are on the sky. Due to … Read more

Muzaffarpur Weather: Mercury started rising again, only 15 percent paddy planting, moisture in the fields, but no water

Farmers of Bihar are worried about not having enough water to plant paddy, so far only seven percent have been planted

Muzaffarpur: There is little hope of good rain in the district. At the same time, due to the indifference of monsoon, once again the mercury has started rising towards the heatwave. Due to this the difficulties of the people have increased. On the other hand, paddy cultivation in the district has become derailed due to … Read more

Farmers of Bihar are worried about not having enough water to plant paddy, so far only seven percent have been planted

Farmers of Bihar are worried about not having enough water to plant paddy, so far only seven percent have been planted

Patna. Paddy straw has been sown in 80 percent of the fields across the state. However, so far only seven per cent paddy has been sown in the state. By this time, usually about 20 to 25 percent paddy was planted. But due to less rain this year, there is no water in the fields … Read more