
Consumption of millet and ragi is better than rice and wheat, know its properties

Consumption of millet and ragi is better than rice and wheat, know its properties

properties of millet By now most of you would be familiar with the superfood properties of millet. What you need to know is that even though it is a healthy grain option, you need to exercise portion control as its carbohydrate content (78 percent) is almost equal to that of rice (82 percent) and wheat … Read more

Districts fixed for purchase of maize, millet and jowar in UP, know here how to register

Districts fixed for purchase of maize, millet and jowar in UP, know here how to register

Lucknow: Coarse grains, (Shri Anna) Maize, Bajra and Jowar will be procured from the farmers in Uttar Pradesh at the minimum support price (MSP) for the year 2023-24. For this registration of farmers has started. For the sale of maize, millet and jowar, it is mandatory for the farmers to register on the website of … Read more