
Budh Vakri Mercury retrograde in Aries, money rains on these zodiac signs

Budh Vakri Mercury retrograde in Aries, money rains on these zodiac signs

Mercury Vakri: In astrology, the movement of planets is considered to have special importance. Changes in the movement of planets affect human life, country and the world. On April 2, 2024, Mercury, the prince of planets, is going to retrograde in Aries. Mercury will show the effect of its special powers in its retrograde state. … Read more

Budh Vakri: In the first month of 2024, Mercury will bring benefits to these 6 zodiac signs in job and business.

Budh Vakri: In the first month of 2024, Mercury will bring benefits to these 6 zodiac signs in job and business.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio: The year 2024 is about to come and the first month of the new year is going to be auspicious in terms of career for many zodiac signs. This is because Mercury, the planet responsible for job and business, is going to transit in Scorpio on Thursday, 28th December. Mercury stays … Read more

Mercury is going to rise, luck will shine for people of Virgo, Aquarius and Scorpio zodiac signs.

Mercury is going to rise, luck will shine for people of Virgo, Aquarius and Scorpio zodiac signs.

Mercury Transit 2023 According to astrology, planets keep setting and rising at certain intervals, the effect of which is visible on human life and the earth. Budh Uday Mercury will rise in November Mercury, the benefactor of business, is going to rise in November. The planet Mercury is currently situated in Libra. Whenever a planet … Read more