
Matri Navami: Women have a special place in Sanatan culture.

Matri Navami: Women have a special place in Sanatan culture.

Salil Pandey In Sanatan culture, women have been given a special place because they shape the child by keeping it in the womb for nine months. During this period, his/her every activity affects the child to be born. The fetus is affected by everything from morals to diet. During this period, the lifelong impact of … Read more

Matri Navami: This is a special day for the Shraddha rituals of deceased women in the family.

Matri Navami: This is a special day for the Shraddha rituals of deceased women in the family.

Salil Pandey The sages have established the Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month as Pitru-Paksha, which is also called Pitru-Ratri, whereas the festival of Navratri is celebrated in Shukla Paksha. The deeper meaning of the nights of these two pakshas is that during Pitru Paksha one should express gratitude towards one’s deceased ancestors, because the sacrifice … Read more