
Before the Lok Sabha elections, the intentions of Latehar Naxalites were foiled, 8 container bombs recovered

container bomb in latehar defused by security forces jharkhand

In Latehar district, 8 series container bombs were planted in the forest to cause harm to the security forces during the Lok Sabha elections 2024. The security forces foiled this plan of the militants/Naxalites. CRPF soldiers are running campaign before Lok Sabha elections Personnel of 11 battalions of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) recovered … Read more

Before the Lok Sabha elections, the intentions of Latehar Naxalites were foiled, 8 container bombs recovered

container bomb in latehar defused by security forces jharkhand

In Latehar district, 8 series container bombs were planted in the forest to cause harm to the security forces during the Lok Sabha elections 2024. The security forces foiled this plan of the militants/Naxalites. CRPF soldiers are running campaign before Lok Sabha elections Personnel of 11 battalions of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) recovered … Read more