
Israel and Palestine dispute reached its peak, know the real reason for the conflict and what is the demand of both the countries

Israel and Palestine dispute reached its peak, know the real reason for the conflict and what is the demand of both the countries

On the 7th of this month, the whole world along with Israel was stunned when thousands of rockets were fired at Israel by Hamas from the Gaza Strip in just a few minutes. At the same time, hundreds of Hamas terrorists broke the security cordon at various places and entered Israeli cities and towns across … Read more

Israel Palestine conflict: What is the Israel-Palestine dispute, due to which millions have lost their lives so far?

Now a more fierce fight will break out!  Modern weapons reached Israel from America... darkness in Gaza strip

-Kunal Kishore- Israel Palestine conflict Explainer: Israel and Hamas In the latest war between the two, more than two thousand people have lost their lives and lakhs of people have become homeless. On October 7, Hamas launched rocket attacks targeting Israeli cities. Hamas claimed that it fired about 5000 rockets. Not only this, hundreds of … Read more

Israel Crisis: Two-pronged attack in Israel, Hezbollah jumped into battle, attacked three targets with rockets

Israel Crisis: Two-pronged attack in Israel, Hezbollah jumped into battle, attacked three targets with rockets

Hezbollah attacked Israel with rocketsOn Sunday, Hezbollah fired several rockets and fired shots at Israeli positions in Syria, a disputed area along the country’s border with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Here, the Israeli army also retaliated by attacking Hezbollah positions in a disputed area with drones. This area is bordered by Israel, Lebanon and Syria. … Read more