
UP News: UP ATS arrested two suspects who were spying on the army for ISI, important clues found

UP News: UP ATS arrested two suspects who were spying on the army for ISI, important clues found

Lucknow News: Uttar Pradesh Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) has arrested two suspects on charges of spying for Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI. Both the suspects were allegedly involved in terrorist funding. According to the information, these people used to send sensitive and restricted information related to the army to ISI by taking money. According to ATS, … Read more

UP News: UP ATS arrested a young man who was spying on the army for ISI

UP News: UP ATS arrested a young man who was spying on the army for ISI

Lucknow: UP ATS arrested Wasiullah, a youth who was spying for Pakistani intelligence agency, from Rajajipuram, Lucknow. Wasiullah was a member of an online cyber crime group. Where these ISI agents came in contact with cyber hackers. To maintain his confidentiality in this illegal work, he also used to deal through crypto currency. UP ATS … Read more