
Research: Staying away from social media is not as good as you think, the truth revealed in the study

Research: Staying away from social media is not as good as you think, the truth revealed in the study

(Niklas Isen, Associate Professor, Durham University/Michael Wadsley, PhD student, Durham University) Durham (UK), Whether you’re an ‘influencer’, someone who occasionally shares a few posts, or just an observer of activity without taking part in the discussion, you probably spend more time on social media than you’d like. Working people worldwide with access to the Internet … Read more

Influencers are advertising on social media, earning from food to fashion endorsement

Influencers are advertising on social media, earning from food to fashion endorsement

social media influencers endorsements earning – Five years ago no one would have thought that such a time would also come when you would do a lot while doing nothing and earn money too. Whether it is about travel, food or fashion, big companies of India and abroad are giving money to such people, who … Read more

Influencers with so many followers will now be considered celebrities, know who changed the definition

Influencers with so many followers will now be considered celebrities, know who changed the definition

ASCI Guidelines: The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), the self-regulatory body of the advertising industry, has broadened the definition of celebrity. Under this, ‘influencers’ with more than five lakh followers and annual income of more than Rs 40 lakh will be considered celebrities for advertisements. People who influence the thoughts of viewers or listeners … Read more

Career as Influencer: The journey of becoming special from common, make a career in this field like this

Career as Influencer: The journey of becoming special from common, make a career in this field like this

[ad_1] Career as Influencer: With the increasing trend of selling products through influencers on social media platforms, this market is continuously increasing in the country. According to INCA’s India Influencer Report, the business in the social media influencer market is expected to grow by 25 percent every year and by the year 2025, the business … Read more