
Patients will get relief in the new year, free medicines and testing facilities will be available in IGIMS Patna from January 1.

Patients will get relief in the new year, free medicines and testing facilities will be available in IGIMS Patna from January 1.

Patna. Like the government hospitals of the state, from January in the new year, now all the patients undergoing treatment at Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (IGIMS), Patna, will now get free medicines. Free examination and operation facilities will be provided to all the patients undergoing treatment here. This proposal was approved in the … Read more

Dengue is not leaving the patient even after recovery, along with weakness, effects on lungs and liver are also visible.

Dengue patients are not getting platelets, most of the blood banks in Patna run out of stock

Patna. In most of the patients recovering from dengue, side effects are seen in kidney, liver and lungs along with weakness. Among these, most of the patients are reaching the OPD of IGIMS for treatment. Within the last 48 hours, 16 patients have arrived here who have gone to the hospital with some kind of … Read more

There will be an emergency ward of 350 beds in IGIMS, ICU and red zone beds will also be increased in the new building.

There will be an emergency ward of 350 beds in IGIMS, ICU and red zone beds will also be increased in the new building.

Patna. An emergency of 350 beds will be made in the Health Committee premises separately from the IGIMS campus. The Health Department has approved this proposal, soon the department will issue a notification regarding this. At present IGIMS has 40 emergency beds for patients. Where 40 patients are not admitted every day due to non-availability … Read more

Neuro surgery and critical care unit will be developed in IGIMS, Patna, capacity of infant ward will also increase.

Neuro surgery and critical care unit will be developed in IGIMS, Patna, capacity of infant ward will also increase.

Convocation ceremony at IGIMS: The doctor should consider the patient as his family member and should treat him politely. Because patients and family members do not remember the income of the doctor’s clinic, but only the good treatment provided by him. This is what Deputy Chief Minister and Health Minister Tejashwi Yadav has to say. … Read more

IGIMS made a record of corneal transplant, there is no compulsion to go outside Bihar for eye treatment

IGIMS made a record of corneal transplant, there is no compulsion to go outside Bihar for eye treatment

Patna. The Regional Eye Institute (Department of Ophthalmology) located in IGIMS of the city has now come up with many such techniques for eye diseases, due to which patients do not have to go to Shankar Netralaya located in Chennai and other states. Treatment has become possible in the institute itself. Dr. NR Vishwas, Vice-Chancellor … Read more

Bihar: Viral conjunctivitis patients are worried due to headache with eye infection, learn how to avoid it

बिहार: अस्पताल में पहुंचने वाले एक तिहाई मरीज वायरल कंजंक्टिवाइटिस से पीड़ित, जानें कारण व बचने के उपाय

Bihar News: There has been an increase in the number of cases of viral conjunctivitis in the hospitals of Bihar. About a quarter of the patients suffering from viral conjunctivitis are having headache and fever. Patients are also facing problems like dizziness. The complaint of redness in the eyes of the people has been going … Read more

Open heart surgery started in Patna’s IGIMS, for the first time a 10-month-old child was operated

Open heart surgery started in Patna's IGIMS, for the first time a 10-month-old child was operated

Health facilities are continuously expanding in Bihar. In this series, many works are being done in the capital Patna as well. In the Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (IGIMS) of the city, now open heart surgery has also been started for small children. For the first time, on Thursday, an eight-month-old child’s open heart … Read more

Bihar: Women ahead in saving lives by giving kidney, know how organ donation is done

Bihar: Women ahead in saving lives by giving kidney, know how organ donation is done

Bihar News: In IGIMS located in the capital Patna, since March 14, 2016, the figures of kidney donation have come to the fore. In this, mother, sister, wife and daughter have donated the most important part of the body, kidney, without worrying about their lives. From 2016 till now i.e. in eight years, a total … Read more