
Home Care: Avoid blending these food items in a blender, otherwise you will have to bear the loss

Home Care: Avoid blending these food items in a blender, otherwise you will have to bear the loss

hot liquids Home Care: In such a busy lifestyle, many times in order to do everything fast, we do such things which should not be done. Things are happening in the kitchen. Blender is a very useful kitchen appliance for women, but there are some such food items too. What should not be done in … Read more

Home Care: Avoid keeping these things in the fridge, otherwise they will spoil soon

Home Care: Avoid keeping these things in the fridge, otherwise they will spoil soon

Avoid keeping these things in the fridge Onions: Onions can develop mold quickly when kept in the refrigerator, which can affect their taste and quality. That’s why onions should not be kept in the fridge. Avoid keeping these things in the fridge banana : By keeping banana in the fridge, its peel turns brown quickly. … Read more

Life style: Is paying electricity bill every month a shock, try this remedy from today

Life style: Is paying electricity bill every month a shock, try this remedy from today

ways to reduce electricity bills You can follow the following measures to reduce electricity bills. Use energy conservation devices in your home which help in reducing wastage of electricity. Choosing Energy Efficient Appliances: Choosing Energy Efficient Appliances: Select 5-star rated appliances such as AC, Refrigerator, Washing Machine. These appliances are more energy efficient and consume … Read more

Do not plant these plants inside the house even by mistake, otherwise these problems will happen

Do not plant these plants inside the house even by mistake, otherwise these problems will happen

These plants eliminate positive energy These plants eliminate positive energy Most people decorate their homes with good-luck plants to invite peace, wealth, success and prosperity, but, according to Feng Shui, there are plants that can drain the positive energy in the environment. These plants are very beautiful to see very beautiful to look at These … Read more

Video: Be careful before going out of the city by locking the house, otherwise there may be a big loss

Video: Be careful before going out of the city by locking the house, otherwise there may be a big loss

Homecare: Anyone’s house is built with a lot of hard work and goods are also collected one by one with a lot of hard work and when it is stolen due to any reason, then what will be more sad than this. Thieves often target houses that have been closed for several days. It is … Read more

Home Care: Plants that give positive energy when planted at home

Home Care: Plants that give positive energy when planted at home

basil Tulsi (Holy Basil): Tulsi is considered a ‘sacred’ plant it is famous for helping in purifying the surrounding environment. It can help in turning the soul towards peace and positivity. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera: Planting an aloe vera plant at home can help purify the atmosphere and remove local negativity. Peace Lily Peace Lily: … Read more

Smart shopping tips of smart woman

Smart shopping tips of smart woman

Homecare: There is also a big list of groceries every month for the needs of the family. Whose bill sometimes crosses your budget. In such a situation, with some wise tips, you can handle its budget today. There are some great tips for grocery shopping in the right direction. Here are some ways you can … Read more

Home Care: Grocery bill is heavy on the pocket, try wise shopping tips

Home Care: Grocery bill is heavy on the pocket, try wise shopping tips

Homecare: Keeping nutritious food on the plate of the family members is not an easy task despite reducing the expenditure on essential items in grocery. For this you have to try some measures. Whenever you have to go to the grocery store, first of all make your planning. Shop for the things that are necessary … Read more

Vastu Tips: How the condition and direction changes with the mirror, know and understand the solution

Vastu Tips: How the condition and direction changes with the mirror, know and understand the solution

Vastu Tips Vastu Tips: Do you know which mirror should be placed on which wall of the house and there are some Vastu rules for that also, in Vastu Shastra proper direction and necessary rules have been given for everything, following which will bring happiness and prosperity in the house. Luck increases. Vastu Tips Let … Read more

Relationships Tips: Is it not possible to make any decision with life partner? try these tips

Relationships Tips: Is it not possible to make any decision with life partner?  try these tips

Relationship Tips: Hey, I had liked it, why did you finalize it? I like this furniture you brought it! In many homes such differences come to the fore in married couples where different thinking of two people keep clashing on any issue. Whether to buy any household item or plan for the future of the … Read more