
Update Google Chrome immediately, if ignored it will cause big loss.

Google Chrome Update: Google's gift to millions of users, websites will no longer be able to track your data.

Google Chrome High Risk Alert: The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) of the Government of India has issued a high risk warning for Google Chrome users. This warning has been issued regarding the flaws present in Chrome OS. The government organization working on cyber security has advised to update Google Chrome. This warning has been … Read more

ALERT: Government of India issues warning regarding Samsung smartphones, do this to avoid dangers

ALERT: Government of India issues warning regarding Samsung smartphones, do this to avoid dangers

A matter of concern for Samsung users Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN) has issued a high-risk warning. The Government of India issued a warning on behalf of CERT-IN, saying that there are many security issues, which are affecting Samsung Mobile Android Versions 11, 12, 13 and 14. Considering its impact, this warning has been issued. … Read more

ALERT: Users update Google Chrome browser immediately, CERT-In issues high risk warning

ALERT: Users update Google Chrome browser immediately, CERT-In issues high risk warning

Google Chrome Users Update Browser High Risk Warning Google Chrome Update: Government National Cyber ​​Security Agency Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has issued a high risk warning for Google Chrome users. In this, alerting Chrome users to potential security risks, several vulnerabilities have been reported in some versions of Google Chrome. CERT-In alert for google … Read more