
After lathicharge, HEC employees again took to the streets, demanding 19 months of outstanding salary.

After lathicharge, HEC employees again took to the streets, demanding 19 months of outstanding salary.

Ranchi, Rajlakshmi: HEC employees have blocked HEC Headquarters Road on Thursday. No vehicle is allowed to enter this road. This anger is being seen after the lathi charge on Wednesday. In fact, due to salary arrears of about 19 months, the patience of HEC employees broke on Wednesday when HEC employees surrounded Director (Finance) Rajesh … Read more

Two HEC employees died, could not get better treatment due to lack of money

HEC is preparing another launching pad for ISRO, 75 percent work completed

Two HEC employees died on Saturday. Ramkumar Nayak of Hatiya Mazdoor Lok Manch told that the health of Shahdev Lohra, working in 05 shop of FFP, suddenly deteriorated. He was already a patient of blood pressure and diabetes. After his health deteriorated on Saturday, his family took him to ESI Hospital. From there he was … Read more

Leaders and employees of India Alliance sounded the bugle regarding the poor condition of HEC, warned of a big movement

Leaders and employees of India Alliance sounded the bugle regarding the poor condition of HEC, warned of a big movement

Ranchi: On Thursday, leaders of India Alliance and HEC employees staged a mahadharna from the headquarters to Jantar Mantar in Delhi, demanding protection of HEC from closure and payment of 18 months’ salary to the employees, among other demands. JMM’s Mushtaq Ahmed presided over the Mahadharna organized by India Alliance and labor organizations in Delhi. … Read more

HEC is not giving Rs 200 crore to retired employees, if someone’s daughter’s marriage is stopped, then no one is able to get treatment.

HEC is preparing another launching pad for ISRO, 75 percent work completed

Ranchi News: 19 months’ salary of the employees working in HEC has become outstanding. At the same time, the employees retiring from HEC are also not getting retirement benefits. Due to this, retired employees are not able to complete their daughter’s marriage, treatment and other necessary tasks. Gratuity is not being paid to the employees … Read more

Jharkhand: HEC workers will have to earn salary, government will not give money for this

Jharkhand: HEC workers will have to earn salary, government will not give money for this

Recently, in response to the question of Rajya Sabha MP Parimal Nathwani, the Minister of State for Heavy Industries has replied in Rajya Sabha that the launching pad of Chandrayaan-3 has not been made by HEC. HEC has supplied infrastructure items which include Mobile Launching Pad, Hammer Head Tower, 400-60 EOT Crane, Folding cum Vertical … Read more