
Change your habit of bathing immediately after eating, your health will change.

Change your habit of bathing immediately after eating, your health will change.

Bathing Habits Digestive system problems due to bathing after eating food According to Ayurveda, taking bath after eating can cause problems ranging from arthritis to skin diseases. In fact, after eating food, our body temperature increases by 2 degrees, which makes it easier to digest food. Taking bath immediately after food slows down the digestion … Read more

How To: With this yoga asana, your stress will go away in a jiffy and you will also get good sleep at night.

How To: With this yoga asana, your stress will go away in a jiffy and you will also get good sleep at night.

If you too often have trouble sleeping at night, your mind still keeps running after your day and is worried about the next day, then this news is for you. Yoga helps in relieving and de-stressing your mind from the stress of the day. Studies have shown that people who practice yoga have reduced levels … Read more

VIDEO: Period pain is unbearable, will you get relief from stomach cramps?

VIDEO: Period pain is unbearable, will you get relief from stomach cramps?

Stomach cramps during menstruation are a common condition that can affect many women. During those difficult days of the month, it becomes difficult for many women to even maintain their daily routine. But there are some solutions by which you can get help from this problem. You can use hot water bottle to reduce stomach … Read more

Health Care: Are you troubled by nerve pain? Try these remedies to get relief.

Health Care: Are you troubled by nerve pain? Try these remedies to get relief.

ice and heat packs Using ice and heat packs can also be helpful in reducing swelling and inflammation. This will promote blood circulation to the area, providing better pain relief. extra sleep To cure nerve pain. First of all, you should consider getting extra sleep. When you are resting, the body repairs itself and helps … Read more

VIDEO: Try leaving refined oil in food for a month, you will be surprised by the effect

VIDEO: Try leaving refined oil in food for a month, you will be surprised by the effect

Many packets of refined oil are included in the list of kitchen items. Refined oil is an important food item in our kitchen which is used for cooking a variety of food, including roasting, frying, dressing and baking. Excess consumption of refined oil can pose several health risks. Its excessive consumption can cause problems like … Read more

Not tea-coffee, start drinking these 4 drinks on an empty stomach in the morning, you will get many health benefits

Not tea-coffee, start drinking these 4 drinks on an empty stomach in the morning, you will get many health benefits

health tips Many people have the habit of drinking coffee or tea on an empty stomach first thing after waking up in the morning. However, no matter how ‘badly’ you think your body needs that cup of juice, consuming it on an empty stomach is not healthy. Drinking tea or coffee first thing in the … Read more

Life Style: Along with your body, brain also asks for alone time, understand the signs

Life Style: Along with your body, brain also asks for alone time, understand the signs

health care A woman is in a different role as a mother, as a wife or for other people in the house, in whose responsibilities she even forgets to take care of herself. Even if he is not able to express it, but it is visible from his behavior that it is necessary to stay … Read more

Health Care: You should not stop urine pressure, there is some harm to health

Health Care: You should not stop urine pressure, there is some harm to health

Most of us have faced that situation at one time or the other when there is no toilet nearby, and you have to stop your urine pressure for some time. Doing it once in a while doesn’t do any harm, but repeatedly holding in your urine may not be as safe as it sounds. Apart … Read more

Health Care: The magic of health is hidden in spices, you will be surprised to know the benefits of cloves

Health Care: The magic of health is hidden in spices, you will be surprised to know the benefits of cloves

Health benefits of Clove Clove reduces the effect of free radicals. It is rich in antioxidant properties including flavonoids, phenolic compounds and vitamin C. Along with helping to neutralize harmful free radicals, they protect cells from oxidative stress. The risk of chronic diseases can be reduced by its use. Health benefits of Clove Eugenol in … Read more

Health: Do not ignore the symptoms of Ovarian Cyst, know its signs

Health: Do not ignore the symptoms of Ovarian Cyst, know its signs

The female reproductive system is prone to a number of health problems including endometriosis, PCOS, STDs and even cancer. This is why it is extremely important for women to maintain their reproductive health among others. Ovarian cysts are one of the most overlooked or missed reproductive conditions. Although it is common, it can be asymptomatic, … Read more