
Health Tips: These 5 habits have a bad effect on your kidneys

Health Tips: These 5 habits have a bad effect on your kidneys

Health Tips: Kidney is a very important organ of our body. It helps us in completing many important tasks of our body. If our kidneys do not function properly then it directly affects our health. Our kidneys perform many other important functions including removing harmful and toxic waste materials from our body. In such a … Read more

Calcium Rich Food: We are telling you what things should be included in your diet for a good option of calcium food.

Calcium Rich Food: We are telling you what things should be included in your diet for a good option of calcium food.

Calcium Rich Food: Calcium, which helps in keeping your bones and teeth healthy. It is said to be beneficial for everyone from children to adults. Let us tell you that milk, cheese and other dairy foods, green leafy vegetables, like broccoli, cabbage and okra etc., soya beans, fish are good sources of calcium. green vegetables … Read more

Health Tips: Take care of yourself in the changing weather like this

Health Tips

Health Tips: These days, frequent changes are being seen in the weather. In such a situation, there is the greatest need to be cautious. The risk of diseases increases in this. Due to changing weather, it becomes hot during the day and cold in the evening. Therefore, keep your body covered in the evening so … Read more

Health Tips: If you are counting stars instead of sleeping at night, then adopt these measures

Health Tips

Health Tips: Sleep is something that is very important for the life of any person. If someone is not able to sleep properly even for a day, its effect remains on that person for the next one to two days. Not getting enough sleep can cause many physical problems. In such a situation, if you … Read more

Vitamin D Vegetables Name: To overcome the deficiency of Vitamin D, include these vegetables in your diet.

Vitamin D Vegetables Name: To overcome the deficiency of Vitamin D, include these vegetables in your diet.

Vegetables Vitamin D Vegetables: Vitamin D is an important nutrient which is essential for our body. The major source for Vitamin D is sunlight. According to doctors, every vitamin is essential for our body. Vegetables If there is deficiency of Vitamin D then the bones of the body become weak. Along with this, many types … Read more

Change in weather can make you sick, know the way to prevent it

Change in weather can make you sick, know the way to prevent it

The changes in the weather are continuing. The temperature is also constantly changing. Sometimes bright sunshine, sometimes strong and sometimes dense clouds. It is also raining occasionally. In such changing weather, ill health has also become a very common problem. In this way, due to continuous changes in weather, our chances of falling sick increases … Read more

Health Tips: Do not eat these things on an empty stomach, you may have to suffer serious consequences.

Health Tips: Do not eat these things on an empty stomach, you may have to suffer serious consequences.

Food to Avoid On An Empty Stomach: You must have always heard that breakfast is very important to stay healthy. This is the reason why everyone from elders to doctors advise people not to skip breakfast. Eating some things on an empty stomach in the morning can have adverse effects on health. Because these things … Read more

This is how the body alerts before kidney damage, ignoring it will cause harm.

This is how the body alerts before kidney damage, ignoring it will cause harm.

Kidney Failure Warning Signs: If you want to take care of your health and also want that you do not fall ill for a long time, then for this you will have to take good care of your body. There are many important organs in the body, taking care of which becomes most important for … Read more

Can sitting for a long time cause diseases like cancer? Know the whole truth

Can sitting for a long time cause diseases like cancer?  Know the whole truth

Health Tips Health Tips: If you also sit at one place for a long time, then this story is going to prove very useful for you. Today we are going to tell you what kind of diseases you may be at risk of sitting at one place for a long time. So let us know … Read more

Kitchen Tips: How beneficial is heating food in the microwave? Know the whole truth here

Kitchen Tips: How beneficial is heating food in the microwave?  Know the whole truth here

Health Tips: If you also use microwave for heating or cooking food, then this story is going to be very useful for you. Today we are going to tell you what effect the food heated or cooked on the microwave has on your health. Not only this, today we are also going to tell you … Read more