
If you yawn more than three times in 15 minutes, be alert, it may be a sign of a health problem.

If you yawn more than three times in 15 minutes, be alert, it may be a sign of a health problem.

How to Treat Excessive Yawning sign of health problem If you yawn excessively, more than three times in a 15-minute period, it may be a sign of a health problem. If you are yawning again and again and not feeling normal then pay attention. How to Treat Excessive Yawning Yawning is an involuntary process of … Read more

Take precautions in winter otherwise asthma can make you breathless.

Take precautions in winter otherwise asthma can make you breathless.

Asthma care in winter Dr. Sumit Singhania, Pulmonologist, Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai Dr Vishal Gupta Physician, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur It is not that health problems that adversely affect the lungs like asthma, flu and bronchitis occur only in the winter season, but their cases increase in winter. If precautions are taken in winter, these can … Read more

Level of these 5 diseases can increase with cold wave, protect yourself like this

Bokaro Weather: Kanakni in the air, cold wave havoc as soon as the sun sets

cold wave What is cold wave? Cold wave becomes a cause of trouble for people. Such weather is especially difficult for children and the elderly. If you take some precautions, you can protect yourself from cold wave. When cold winds start blowing fast and a sharp drop in temperature is seen and due to this … Read more

Health Care: Do not ignore these signs, do not delay in going to the doctor

Health Care: Do not ignore these signs, do not delay in going to the doctor

chest pain or discomfort There are some signs or medical emergencies that should be taken to the doctor as soon as possible. Any kind of pain or discomfort in the chest, especially if it spreads to the arm, neck or jaw, requires immediate medical attention. sudden shortness of breath Sudden or severe shortness of breath … Read more

Health: Are migraines linked to poor heart health? know all about it

Explanar: Migraine is unbearable, know the symptoms, causes and treatment

Migraine is a part of life for some people. There have been many researches on the subject of the relation between migraine and heart diseases. Recently, according to a study published in the journal PLOS (Public Library of Science) Medicine, severe headache occurring on one side of the face has been linked to ischemic stroke, … Read more

Health Care: The problem of dehydration increases in rainy days, even if you do not feel thirsty, drink water

Health Care: The problem of dehydration increases in rainy days, even if you do not feel thirsty, drink water

dehydration symptoms Dehydration symptoms: Thirst, decreased urination, dry skin, weakness and lightheadedness, headache, dry mouth, increased heart rate and respiration, and dizziness are common symptoms of dehydration. dehydration symptoms In addition to these symptoms of dehydration in children, high fever, abdominal pain, sunken eyes and cheeks, no sensation in the skin when pricked with a … Read more