
If you yawn more than three times in 15 minutes, be alert, it may be a sign of a health problem.

If you yawn more than three times in 15 minutes, be alert, it may be a sign of a health problem.

How to Treat Excessive Yawning sign of health problem If you yawn excessively, more than three times in a 15-minute period, it may be a sign of a health problem. If you are yawning again and again and not feeling normal then pay attention. How to Treat Excessive Yawning Yawning is an involuntary process of … Read more

Risk of brain stroke and hemorrhage increases in winter, keep an eye on blood pressure

Risk of brain stroke and hemorrhage increases in winter, keep an eye on blood pressure

Risk of Brain Stroke and Hemorrhage: Changes in weather also affect our body and health. Other infections including infection in winter season Health The risk of problems increases. Many studies have revealed that the relationship between cold weather and brain stroke and hemorrhage is worrying. Dr. Manish Vaish, Senior Director of Neurosurgery at Max Super … Read more

Triphala is a boon of Ayurveda in cleaning the stomach, reduces cholesterol along with weight loss, know the right way to eat it.

Triphala is a boon of Ayurveda in cleaning the stomach, reduces cholesterol along with weight loss, know the right way to eat it.

Triphala Health Benefits Digestive Health: The main benefit of Triphala is that it improves digestive health. It is known to have unique digestive properties and it regulates bowel movements, relieves constipation, and promotes digestive health. Triphala Health Benefits Triphala mixture helps in easy removal of waste products by stimulating the intestines. Triphala Health Benefits Detoxifier: … Read more

Health Care: Do not ignore these signs, do not delay in going to the doctor

Health Care: Do not ignore these signs, do not delay in going to the doctor

chest pain or discomfort There are some signs or medical emergencies that should be taken to the doctor as soon as possible. Any kind of pain or discomfort in the chest, especially if it spreads to the arm, neck or jaw, requires immediate medical attention. sudden shortness of breath Sudden or severe shortness of breath … Read more

Health Care: The problem of constipation has troubled you, adopt Ayurvedic remedies for relief

Health Care: The problem of constipation has troubled you, adopt Ayurvedic remedies for relief

Health Care: To get relief from the problem of constipation, the most important thing is to change your diet along with your daily routine. There are some Ayurvedic home remedies to get relief from constipation naturally. Constipation is a common health problem that can hinder your routine, appetite and mood. Some of the most common … Read more

Health Care: The problem of dehydration increases in rainy days, even if you do not feel thirsty, drink water

Health Care: The problem of dehydration increases in rainy days, even if you do not feel thirsty, drink water

dehydration symptoms Dehydration symptoms: Thirst, decreased urination, dry skin, weakness and lightheadedness, headache, dry mouth, increased heart rate and respiration, and dizziness are common symptoms of dehydration. dehydration symptoms In addition to these symptoms of dehydration in children, high fever, abdominal pain, sunken eyes and cheeks, no sensation in the skin when pricked with a … Read more

Back Pain: Difficult to get up and sit, know the causes, symptoms and remedies

Back Pain: Difficult to get up and sit, know the causes, symptoms and remedies

Back Pain: Back pain can affect people of any age. Back pain is also one of the major health complications of old age. But today it is affecting the youth more. In fact, common causes of back pain include muscle strain, disc damage, and certain health conditions, such as scoliosis and osteoporosis. Treatment options include … Read more