
Microplastic becoming a threat to life

Microplastic becoming a threat to life

In modern lifestyle, we all are trying to make our lives happy. Be it the question of material comforts and resources, food or clothing, we do not hesitate in getting the best as per our capacity or in spending on food and drink, but for a long time, microplastics have been a problem in food … Read more

Famous environmentalist Gyanendra Rawat honored at World Environment Summit

Famous environmentalist Gyanendra Rawat honored at World Environment Summit

Greater Noida. Senior journalist, writer and renowned environmentalist Gyanendra Rawat has been honored with the Environmental Excellence Award-2023. He was honored with this award at the World Environment Summit held at Galgotias University yesterday. Let it be known that this honor has been given to Gyanendra Rawat for the environmental protection done by him in … Read more