
Home Remedies For White Hair: How to blacken white hair naturally, know home remedies here

Home Remedies For White Hair: How to blacken white hair naturally, know home remedies here

Home Remedies For White Hair: Nowadays, people are facing the problem of gray hair at young age. The biggest reason for this is considered to be poor eating habits and lifestyle. People use many types of chemicals to get rid of unwanted white hair and even then they do not get success. But we will … Read more

Eat Amla this winter, get rid of cold and cough with skin and hair care, know its amazing properties.

Eat Amla this winter, get rid of cold and cough with skin and hair care, know its amazing properties.

Benefits of Amla in Winter Benefits of Amla in Winter: Amla is rich in various minerals including vitamin C, antioxidants, iron and calcium. From health point of view it is called the powerhouse of nutrients. Due to its many medicinal properties it has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Benefits of Amla in Winter … Read more

Triphala is a boon of Ayurveda in cleaning the stomach, reduces cholesterol along with weight loss, know the right way to eat it.

Triphala is a boon of Ayurveda in cleaning the stomach, reduces cholesterol along with weight loss, know the right way to eat it.

Triphala Health Benefits Digestive Health: The main benefit of Triphala is that it improves digestive health. It is known to have unique digestive properties and it regulates bowel movements, relieves constipation, and promotes digestive health. Triphala Health Benefits Triphala mixture helps in easy removal of waste products by stimulating the intestines. Triphala Health Benefits Detoxifier: … Read more