
Kanpur: FDA team took swift action in Kanpur, adulterated tomato-chilli sauce worth lakhs seized on Diwali.

Kanpur: FDA team took swift action in Kanpur, adulterated tomato-chilli sauce worth lakhs seized on Diwali.

Kanpur News: in Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Expiry registration for selling tea and making adulterated tomato and chilli sauce have been busted in Barra area of ​​the city. The sauce has been seized on suspicion of adding synthetic colors on a large scale. FDA team has destroyed sauces worth Rs 1.60 lakh. Sauce worth Rs 26 … Read more

Bihar: Beware of adulterated sweets on Diwali! There may be adulteration, samples are being raided and sent to labs

Bihar: Beware of adulterated sweets on Diwali!  There may be adulteration, samples are being raided and sent to labs

Nawada. Diwalika festival will be celebrated on 12th November this year. Along with worshiping Ganesha-Lakshmi on Diwali, there is also a tradition of giving sweets as gifts. In such a situation, a large number of orders have started coming in renowned shops regarding Diwali. The consignment of Khowa has started reaching Nawada for preparing the … Read more