
Mathematics teacher is teaching self-reliance, fate of farmers changed through organic farming

Mathematics teacher is teaching self-reliance, fate of farmers changed through organic farming

Saumya Jyotsna Pratibha Tiwari, who was once a mathematics teacher, used to have a lot of enthusiasm for farming, but she was not able to give enough time to her hobby. Finally he decided to do organic farming. It is the result of her hard work that today she is helping 1200 farmers in increasing … Read more

Beneficiaries of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi will get pension every month, do this work immediately

Beneficiaries of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi will get pension every month, do this work immediately

PM Kisan Mandhan Yojana PM Kisan Samman Nidhi: PM Kisan Maandhan Yojana by the Central Government (PM Kisan Mandhan Yojana) has also been started. Under this scheme, farmers whose age is more than 60 years are given pension benefits every month. Old farmers are getting huge benefits from this. PM Kisan Mandhan Yojana At the … Read more

How To: How will Indian farmers earn bumper income from ethanol and become energy providers from Annadata?

How To: How will Indian farmers earn bumper income from ethanol and become energy providers from Annadata?

New Delhi : Due to the increase in demand for ethanol as vehicle fuel in India, farmers here are expected to earn bumper income. With this, Indian farmers will transform from being food providers to energy providers or even power providers. In fact, on Tuesday, Japanese car manufacturer Toyota Motors launched the world’s first car … Read more