
Earthquake: Strong earthquake tremors in Delhi-NCR, earth shook in UP-Bihar too, people came out of their homes in panic

Earthquake: Strong earthquake tremors in Delhi-NCR, earth shook in UP-Bihar too, people came out of their homes in panic

Earthquake tremors in Delhi-NCR: Strong earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi-NCR late night. According to the National Seismology Centre, the intensity of the earthquake was estimated at 6.4 on the Richter scale. According to the information, suddenly the earth of Delhi started shaking at around 3:30 in the night. The epicenter of the earthquake was … Read more

Earthquake: Strong earthquake in Delhi-NCR, people came out of their homes

Earthquake: Strong earthquake in Delhi-NCR, people came out of their homes

Strong earthquake tremors have been felt in Delhi NCR. The epicenter of the earthquake was in Nepal. The earthquake’s tremors were felt around 2:45 pm. The intensity of the earthquake is said to be 4.6 on the reactor scale. The tremors of the earthquake were so strong that people sitting on beds and chairs were … Read more