
Doomsday clock is still 90 seconds from midnight, know what it means?

Doomsday clock is still 90 seconds from midnight, know what it means?

(Rumtin Sepaspur, Australian National University) Canberra, Presented by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Doomsday Clock is a visual metaphor of humanity’s proximity to disaster. It measures our collective danger in minutes and seconds until midnight, and we don’t want to strike 12. In 2023, the expert group set the clock back to 90 seconds … Read more

Doomsday Clock: The clock warning the world that destruction is near

Doomsday Clock: The clock warning the world that destruction is near

The Doomsday Clock, whose hands rotate closer to midnight (“Doomsday”), is a symbolic device designed to warn the world how close it is to catastrophe. It is said that midnight or the time of doomsday represents the point when the Earth is no longer habitable for humanity. This watch is from the early days of … Read more