
deodorant health risks: apply deodorant with caution

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It is common to use deodorant or perfume to avoid the odor of sweat in the summer season. Some people, influenced by the advertisements shown on television, start applying deodorant excessively, thinking that by doing so their fragrance will go away. If you also apply deodorant with this belief, then it is important for you … Read more

Tips and Tricks: Apart from armpits, there are other places on your body to use deodorant.

Tips and Tricks: Apart from armpits, there are other places on your body to use deodorant.

put on one’s feet Those who spend all day with shoes know the struggle of sweaty feet. That sweat can result in extremely bad odor and its consequences like germs. Apart from maintaining good hygiene on your feet, you can also spray some deodorant on them. This will keep them fresh and dry, keeping sweat … Read more