
Bihar: After Chhath, number of patients increased in hospitals, more than thousand patients reached PMCH, know the reason.

Bihar: After Chhath, number of patients increased in hospitals, more than thousand patients reached PMCH, know the reason.

Bihar News: After Chhath in Bihar, there is an increase in the number of patients in hospitals. A large number of patients are reaching the hospital. More than a thousand patients reached PMCH. An increase in the number of patients has also been seen in other hospitals. The number of patients in hospitals has started … Read more

Bihar: People are troubled by the sting of dengue, the number of patients in the state reached close to 17 thousand, know the district wise figures.

Bihar: More than 600 cases of dengue found in the first two days of November, number of patients in Patna reached close to 7000.

Bihar News: The number of dengue patients in Bihar has reached close to 17 thousand. Their number has now increased to a total of 16840. A total of 910 dengue patients have been found in just three days. The sting of dengue has troubled people. The number of patients is continuously increasing in Patna. Dengue … Read more

Dengue outbreak in Bihar, number of infected people crossed 14 thousand, know where most patients were found

Dengue outbreak in Bihar, number of infected people crossed 14 thousand, know where most patients were found

Bihar News: The number of dengue patients is continuously increasing in Bihar. The number of patients has crossed 14 thousand. The number of patients in Patna is beyond six thousand. Due to this, people’s problems have increased a lot. During the last 24 hours, 381 new dengue patients have been found in the entire state. … Read more

Dengue figures in Bihar are horrifying, more than 100 patients found again in Patna, number of infected crosses 10 thousand

Dengue, malaria and chikungunya are spreading rapidly in Dhanbad, there is no adequate arrangement in all CHCs.

Bihar News: The number of dengue patients is continuously increasing in Bihar. Dengue figures are becoming frightening. Again more than 100 patients have been found in Patna. Dengue patients are being found continuously in the state. In the last 24 hours, 147 new patients have been found in the district. Children are also included in … Read more

Bihar: 195 infected people found in Patna in one day, number of patients crossed nine thousand, people’s concern increased

Bihar: Dengue sting troubled, more than 100 patients found again in Patna, number of infected crossed seven thousand..

Bihar News: The number of dengue patients is increasing in Bihar. People’s concern is increasing. At present, the number of patients in the state has crossed nine thousand. Dengue has broken its record in the capital. 195 new patients have been found here in just 24 hours. The number of infected people here has reached … Read more

Jharkhand: Uproar in Tinplate Hospital over the death of a girl suffering from dengue, doctors accused of negligence in treatment

Jharkhand's hospitals are at the forefront of irregularities in Ayushman Yojana, treatment shown to patients in excess of bed capacity

Jamshedpur: A girl suffering from dengue died on Thursday in Tinplate Hospital, Jamshedpur in East Singhbhum district of Jharkhand. Angered by this, the family members created a ruckus in the hospital. The family accused the doctors and nurses of the hospital of negligence in treatment. Family members allege that Nidhi died due to the negligence … Read more

Bihar: Dengue sting troubled, more than 100 patients found again in Patna, number of infected crossed seven thousand..

Bihar: Dengue sting troubled, more than 100 patients found again in Patna, number of infected crossed seven thousand..

Bihar News: The sting of dengue has troubled people in Bihar. After two days, again more than 100 patients have been found in Patna. Dengue has once again gained momentum in Bihar. 165 new patients have been found in Patna within 24 hours. At the same time, less than 60 patients were being found for … Read more

Dengue cases are continuously increasing in the country, it is important to keep these things in mind for prevention

Number of dengue victims in Ranchi is 56, 50 percent report positive from rural areas

New cases are emerging. Anyway, dengue outbreaks are seen more in our country from the rainy season till mid-November. You can avoid this by keeping some things in mind. Dengue is also called breakbone fever or broken bone fever in medical terms. It is caused by the spread of Flavi Dengue virus through the bite … Read more

Two including 15 month old girl died due to dengue in Bihar, increasing figures increased concern, 199 new patients found in the state

Bihar: 20 localities of Patna are sensitive to dengue, then new infected are found, know how to protect yourself

Bihar News: The increasing number of dengue patients in Bihar has increased the concern of the people. Two people, including a 15-month-old girl suffering from dengue, have died in the state. The havoc of dengue is continuously increasing in the state. A 15-month-old girl suffering from dengue, admitted to the pediatric department of NMCH, died. … Read more

The number of dengue patients in Patna crosses two thousand, 416 infected people confirmed in 24 hours in the state, know the reason..

Bihar: 20 localities of Patna are sensitive to dengue, then new infected are found, know how to protect yourself

Bihar News: The number of dengue patients in Bihar’s capital Patna has crossed two thousand. At the same time, 416 infected people have been confirmed in 24 hours. The increasing number of patients has increased everyone’s concern. 416 new dengue patients have been found in the state during the last 24 hours. With the arrival … Read more