
Only 81 dengue patients found in Bihar on Diwali, figure crosses 7939 in Patna

Only 81 dengue patients found in Bihar on Diwali, figure crosses 7939 in Patna

Patna. Even after the arrival of winter, the number of dengue patients is not decreasing. New patients are being found every day in Patna district. In the last two days, 83 new dengue patients have been found in Patna. With this, the number of dengue patients in Patna has crossed 7939 so far. Only in … Read more

Half of total dengue patients found in 20 days of October, figure crosses 12 thousand

Dengue sting in Bihar: 55 patients found in Bhagalpur within 2 days, infection spreading rapidly in Patna also

Patna. The havoc of dengue in Bihar was the highest in 20 days of October. A total of 12819 dengue patients have been found in the state so far, which includes 6084 new dengue patients in October alone. In the 20 days of September, the number of dengue patients was only 3187, which is almost … Read more

The number of dengue patients in Bihar reached near 10 thousand, 296 new patients found in the last 24 hours.

The number of dengue patients in Bihar reached near 10 thousand, 296 new patients found in the last 24 hours.

Patna. This year, a continuous increase is being recorded in the number of dengue patients in the state. Till now, about 10 thousand dengue patients have been found in the state. According to the report released by the Health Department on Thursday, 296 new dengue patients have been found in the state in the last … Read more

159 dengue patients found in Patna in 24 hours, figure crosses 3174 in the district, know the condition of other districts

Dengue sting in Bihar: 55 patients found in Bhagalpur within 2 days, infection spreading rapidly in Patna also

Patna. The outbreak of dengue is not showing signs of decreasing. More than 150 patients are being found continuously. Now dengue is proving fatal and patients are also dying. According to experts, food supply is being done in the wards in the name of pesticide spraying. Therefore, instead of decreasing, the figure is increasing further. … Read more

A record 396 new dengue patients were found in Bihar within 24 hours, the figure crossed six thousand.

Dengue sting in Bihar: 55 patients found in Bhagalpur within 2 days, infection spreading rapidly in Patna also

Patna. 396 new dengue patients were found in the state in one day on Friday. This is the highest number of new dengue patients found in a day so far. With this, the number of dengue patients in the state has increased to 6005. On the other hand, 42 more patients have been admitted to … Read more