
Even after the onset of cold in Bihar, dengue mosquitoes are not decreasing, new cases are being found continuously.

Only 81 dengue patients found in Bihar on Diwali, figure crosses 7939 in Patna

Muzaffarpur. Winter has started, but the havoc of dengue is not decreasing. Seven to eight new cases are being found every day. According to health experts, dengue mosquitoes can survive even at temperatures above 24 degrees Celsius. Dengue virus can be spread by biting people, but the way patients are being found these days. This … Read more

Bihar: One died due to dengue in Muzaffarpur, ten new patients found, know where most dengue patients were found

Dengue started scaring Bihar: 204 new patients found in the state in one day, know how many new patients were found in Patna?

Amidst the increasing number of dengue patients in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar, deaths have also started occurring. A patient suffering from dengue died in a private hospital on Wednesday. The deceased person Mohd Mahtab is said to be a resident of Basatpur Saraiya. He was undergoing treatment for dengue in the hospital for the last … Read more