
25 children died in Kolhan’s lifeline ‘TMH’ in 30 days, children aged between three months to 15 years are included.

25 children died in Kolhan's lifeline 'TMH' in 30 days, children aged between three months to 15 years are included.

Jamshedpur, Brajesh Singh Not only in Jamshedpur but in Kolhan’s lifeline Tata Main Hospital (TMH), shocking figures of continuous deaths of children have come to light in the month of September. In just one month, 25 children have died, which include children aged between three months to 15 years. These children were admitted for treatment … Read more

After the death of three students due to dengue in Jamshedpur, advisory issued, children should come to school wearing full shirt and pants.

After the death of three students due to dengue in Jamshedpur, advisory issued, children should come to school wearing full shirt and pants.

Jamshedpur city is suffering from the sting of dengue. The number of patients is increasing every day. School children are falling prey to this and are facing death. At the same time, if the data of the district administration is to be believed, till September 28, only six people have died due to dengue in … Read more

Body should issue helpline number for dengue in Jamshedpur, SDO gave instructions

Dengue is scaring Patna, more than 100 new dengue patients found in Patna for the third consecutive day...

Dengue Fever: Sub-divisional officer Piyush Sinha held an online review meeting with task force officials on Monday regarding the prevention of dengue in Jamshedpur district. He also gave necessary instructions. During this time, Civil Surgeon Dr. Jujhar Manjhi, Health Department officials, officials of all municipal bodies, JUSCO and people from other related departments were connected … Read more

‘Sting of dengue’ increases in Jamshedpur, demand for platelets increases six times

'Sting of dengue' increases in Jamshedpur, demand for platelets increases six times

Jamshedpur, Brajesh Singh/Chandrashekhar : The sting of dengue is spreading rapidly in the city. The number of sick people is continuously increasing. Every day around 300-400 patients are reaching the hospitals for examination. Whereas on an average 6 patients are being found positive every day. The situation is worrying. The pressure on hospitals is increasing. … Read more

32 people found dengue positive in Jamshedpur, number of patients reached at 294

Odisha: 70-80 new dengue patients are being found daily in Bhubaneswar, dengue wards will be opened in all CHCs, this is the preparation

The District Surveillance Department sent the samples of 87 suspected dengue patients to MGM Medical College for examination. When the report came on Sunday, 32 were found to be dengue positive. In this, 27 patients are from East Singhbhum, the remaining five patients are from other districts. So far the number of dengue patients has … Read more

Dengue spreading rapidly in Jamshedpur, suspected patients are being found every day, know how to avoid it

Dengue-malaria outbreak increasing in Delhi, learn how to protect here...

The risk of dangerous and deadly disease like dengue has increased in Jamshedpur. Patients can also die due to lack of platelets in dengue. Every day suspected patients of dengue are coming to different hospitals of the city. Since January till now 38 positive cases have come. In the month of June and July only … Read more