
Dengue again broke the record, 252 new patients found in Patna in one day, know when will it provide relief.

Dengue, malaria and chikungunya are spreading rapidly in Dhanbad, there is no adequate arrangement in all CHCs.

252 new dengue patients have been found in Patna in 24 hours, which is the record of this season so far. A day before this, the maximum number of 207 dengue patients was identified this season. With this, the number of dengue patients in Patna district has reached 4453. Maximum 116 new patients have been … Read more

Dengue sting continues in Patna, 38 new patients found in 24 hours, figure crosses 298

Dengue sting continues in Patna, 38 new patients found in 24 hours, figure crosses 298

Dengue is continuously spreading in the capital. On Monday, only 10 patients were admitted in NMCH till 4 pm. Whereas on Sunday, dengue was confirmed in 38 new patients in the tests conducted in half a dozen private labs including PMCH, NMCH, IGIMS. Of these, maximum 11 dengue patients were found in PMCH. Among these, … Read more

Dengue patients in danger, crisis of platelets in blood banks, somewhere three days stock, somewhere else finished

Dengue Prevention Day: Dengue scares death in Bihar, what are the preventive measures?  Know the details of each and every thing..

Anand Tiwari, Patna So far, about 120 people have been infected with dengue in the capital. Presently 13 dengue patients are being treated in PMCH, IGIMS, NMCH and private hospitals. But it is a matter of concern that there is a shortage of platelets in the blood banks of government hospitals of the capital. In … Read more