
Numerology 4: Life of people with radix number 04 is like this

Numerology 4 people personality

Numerology 4 people personality: If you are born on 04, 13, 22, then your radix number is 4. Such people live in very discipline. Rahu is the lord of radix number 4. Rahu is a shadow planet of Rahu Ketu in astrology. There is no existence, they have not been made the lord of any … Read more

EPFO: Date of birth recorded on Aadhar card will not be valid, EPFO ​​has made a big update, see the list of valid documents.

EPFO: Date of birth recorded on Aadhar card will not be valid, EPFO ​​has made a big update, see the list of valid documents.

EPFO: Employees Provident Fund has released a big update related to Aadhar card. Now the date of birth written on Aadhar card will not be valid in EPFO. EPFO, which comes under the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Government of India, has made this announcement by issuing a circular. This decision was taken … Read more