
After Wagon R, Maruti introduced a car running on bio gas! Know how much it costs

After Wagon R, Maruti introduced a car running on bio gas!  Know how much it costs

Maruti Brezza CBG: In India, various types of research and experiments are being done to reduce air pollution caused by vehicle exhaust. Vehicle manufacturing companies are also launching hybrid cars in the market to reduce dependence on petrol and diesel. Leading automobile manufacturer Maruti Suzuki has accelerated its steps towards making eco-friendly passenger vehicles. Apart … Read more

This popular car of Maruti Suzuki runs on cow dung, not diesel or petrol!

This popular car of Maruti Suzuki runs on cow dung, not diesel or petrol!

CBG-Powered Maruti Suzuki Wago-R: The prices of petrol and diesel are skyrocketing all over the world including India. Crude oil prices are also continuously increasing due to the tantrums of OPEC countries and fights over petroleum products. Due to rising prices of petroleum products, it has become difficult for the common man to drive. However, … Read more