
Weather Forecast: There will be no relief from cold wave yet, know the weather condition of other states including UP-Bihar

Weather Forecast: There will be no relief from cold wave yet, know the weather condition of other states including UP-Bihar

Weather Forecast Today: A blanket of dense fog was seen in Delhi on Saturday also. Visibility has reduced due to the dense fog. Cold wave continues in the national capital. The Meteorological Department has predicted partly cloudy sky on Saturday morning. The department has predicted the maximum and minimum temperatures to be 20 degrees and … Read more

Weather Forecast: When will Bihar-UP get relief from cold wave? Know the weather condition of your area

Weather Forecast: When will Bihar-UP get relief from cold wave?  Know the weather condition of your area

Weather Forecast Today delhi-ncr In the early hours of Republic Day, moderate to dense fog was seen in many parts of Delhi. Expressing this forecast, the Meteorological Department has issued an ‘Orange Alert’. Due to the cold wind blowing from north-west and north-east directions, the temperature of Delhi has fallen and people are feeling very … Read more

Weather Forecast: People will be troubled by cold wave in these states, know the weather condition of your area.

Weather Forecast: People will be troubled by cold wave in these states, know the weather condition of your area.

Weather Forecast Today Delhi-NCR Tuesday started with severe cold and fog in Delhi. Earlier on Monday, as the day progressed and the sun started shining, people got relief from the shivering cold. The minimum temperature was recorded at 3.3 degrees Celsius on Monday morning, which was the lowest temperature of this season. India Meteorological Department … Read more