
Weight Loss Tips: How can coconut water help in losing weight?

Weight Loss Tips: How can coconut water help in losing weight?

Weight Loss Tips: We all know how beneficial coconut water is for our health. It has so many benefits for our health that you will probably get tired of counting them. Especially if we talk about summer days, these days it has even more benefits. It can help to a great extent in keeping our … Read more

Are split ends and falling hair scaring you? Coconut water hairwash will rejuvenate, know more benefits

Are split ends and falling hair scaring you?  Coconut water hairwash will rejuvenate, know more benefits

Coconut Water Hairwash Benefits Strengthen hair with coconut water If someone brings you coconut water and hands it over, what will you do? You will often use it for drinking. It gives freshness to your body but if you are troubled by the problem of breakage and split ends, then this coconut water can solve … Read more

If you feel weak during Navratri fasting, include these foods in your diet.

If you feel weak during Navratri fasting, include these foods in your diet.

Navratri Fasting Tips Keeping fast during Navratri is said to be very beneficial not only from religious point of view but also from scientific point of view. If you are consuming only fruits during the entire fast, then definitely take seasonal fruits like banana, apple, orange, pomegranate. Instead of sugar, use jaggery, dates or honey … Read more

World Coconut Day 2023: Include some healthy coconut in your diet like this

World Coconut Day 2023: Include some healthy coconut in your diet like this

world coconut day All coconut producing countries around the world celebrate 2 September every year as World Coconut Day. We all can also participate in this. There are many ways in which you can include coconut in your daily diet. Fresh Coconut – Add fresh coconut pieces in tempering, salads or eat it as a … Read more

Sawan 2023: Do not offer this material to Lord Shiva in Sawan, otherwise you will not get the fruit of worship

Sawan 2023: Do not offer this material to Lord Shiva in Sawan, otherwise you will not get the fruit of worship

Sawan 2023: The month of Sawan has special significance in Hinduism. There are different ways of worshiping all the deities in the month of Sawan. There is also a special rule of worshiping Lord Shiva. People meditate and worship Lord Bholenath to get the desired results. People offer worship materials to the Shivling during the … Read more

Mercury reaches beyond 40 in Bihar, eat these things to keep your health healthy, body will always be fit

Mercury reaches beyond 40 in Bihar, eat these things to keep your health healthy, body will always be fit

[ad_1] Bihar News: The temperature in Bihar has crossed 40. Due to heat, the body temperature rises more than normal, due to which many serious problems like vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration occur. (Dehydration) problem arises. To avoid this, we should adopt indigenous food including seasonal fruits. Let us tell you that curd must be eaten … Read more