
This bridge built on Punpun river has been lying idle for 15 years without approach path, know which two other bridges are in the same condition

This bridge built on Punpun river has been lying idle for 15 years without approach path, know which two other bridges are in the same condition

Karpi (Arwal). Three bridges built on Punpun river have been swinging in the air for 10-15 years. There are three such bridges in the district which are still swinging in the air due to lack of approach path and people are climbing the mountain-like bridge with the help of Jugaad and risking their lives to … Read more

Water level of Durgavati and Suvaran rivers increased, two bridges washed away, water entered school and hospital

Water level of Durgavati and Suvaran rivers increased, two bridges washed away, water entered school and hospital

Aurangabad. kudra Due to intermittent and continuous rains in the block area for the last one week, there is water all around. The rivers started overflowing due to the rain throughout the night on Monday. Both the bridges built with labor donations near Kudra-Rampur sank. Due to this, dozens of villages in the southern region … Read more