
National Almond Day: Blood sugar will be controlled with a handful of almonds

National Almond Day: Blood sugar will be controlled with a handful of almonds

Kolkata, Amar Shakti: It has been a long standing tradition in India to start the day with almonds. Our mothers and grandmothers have always insisted on including almonds in our daily diet. These nuts are rich in 15 essential nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium and protein. These elements are essential to maintain … Read more

During pregnancy, give up the habit of spending hours on mobile and eating junk food, your child may suffer from blood sugar attack.

During pregnancy, give up the habit of spending hours on mobile and eating junk food, your child may suffer from blood sugar attack.

Pregnancy Care Tips The habit of eating junk foods during pregnancy and spending too much time on mobile is harmful for both the pregnant woman and her child. Pregnancy Care Tips Based on the study report, experts have considered it serious and have advised to be extremely cautious. Pregnancy Care Tips Spending more time on … Read more

Avocado reduces the risk of diabetes, know its more amazing properties

Avocado reduces the risk of diabetes, know its more amazing properties

blood sugar control Helpful in reducing blood sugar According to a study, eating avocado reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Eating avocado proves helpful in everything from weight loss to reducing blood sugar. Avocado Health Benefits low in carbohydrates Avocados are relatively low in carbohydrates. The carbohydrates present in these come in the … Read more

These night habits can increase diabetes, check your lifestyle

These night habits can increase diabetes, check your lifestyle

sleep too late Sleeping too late: Staying awake for long periods at night and sleeping too late can increase the risk of diabetes. It can reduce sleep quality and affect insulin sensitivity, leading to increased blood sugar levels. late night snacking Eating snacks late at night affects blood sugar levels. Eating excessive carbohydrates and sugar-rich … Read more