
Bhagalpur: Girl’s body found hanging in a closed house, father accused of murder

Bhagalpur: Girl's body found hanging in a closed house, father accused of murder

The dead body of 21-year-old Mita Mohini, daughter of advocate Shailesh Chandra Singh, living in house number 46 in the Janata quarter of the Housing Board colony of Barari police station area of ​​Bhagalpur, was found in a locked house under suspicious circumstances. After getting the information, a crowd of the people of the colony … Read more

Bhagalpur: Returned home after buying LCD, fed everyone, then committed suicide by putting a noose around her neck

Bhagalpur: Returned home after buying LCD, fed everyone, then committed suicide by putting a noose around her neck

[ad_1] A state in Eastern India: The case of suicide by 20-year-old wife of Satyam Kumar alias Gautam Kumar, living in Chandigarh, in Pakda village of Navgachhia police station area of ​​Bhagalpur, has come to light. As soon as the information was received, the Navgachia police took the body into custody and sent it to … Read more