
After Gaza, can a war between Israel and this country break out? Egypt warns to suspend peace treaty

Israel Hamas War: Al Jazeera cameraman killed, a journalist injured in Israeli attack on school in Gaza

Israel’s attack on Gaza continues. The Israeli army is continuously bombing Hamas positions. Meanwhile, Israel has received a big warning from Egypt. Egypt has warned that if the Israeli army attacks Gaza’s densely populated border city of Rafah, it could have major consequences. Egypt has said that in such a situation it will suspend its … Read more

Israel Hamas War: Heavy fighting continues near Gaza’s main hospital, people trapped inside

Israel Hamas War: Heavy fighting continues near Gaza's main hospital, people trapped inside

Israel Hamas War: Rejecting Israel’s claims of helping evacuate infants and others from inside the Gaza Strip’s largest hospital, health officials and others trapped inside the hospital said Israeli forces fought fierce fighting just outside the hospital. Has been. Health officials have said that thousands of medical workers and patients are facing problems due to … Read more

Israel Hamas War Video: Will Israel reach an agreement with Hamas?

Israel Hamas War Video: Will Israel reach an agreement with Hamas?

Israel Hamas War Video: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday hinted at a possible agreement to free the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. English website Hindustan Times has published news in this regard. While talking to NBC, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that I think the less I say in this regard, … Read more

Israel Hamas War: Benjamin Netanyahu hints at agreement! fuel sent to hospital

Israel Hamas War: Benjamin Netanyahu hints at agreement!  fuel sent to hospital

Israel Hamas Crisis Israel Hamas War: Today is the 38th day of war between Israel and Hamas. Even today the Israeli army is targeting terrorists in the same way as it was doing on the first day. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday hinted towards a possible agreement to free the hostages held … Read more

Israel–Hamas War: Israel will launch more deadly attack on Gaza, see heart-wrenching picture

Israel–Hamas War: Israel will launch more deadly attack on Gaza, see heart-wrenching picture

Israel–Hamas War photo Israel has announced a deadly attack on Gaza, which has created a stir in the whole world. The Israeli Army has said that we are preparing to attack from land, water and sky to eliminate Hamas soon. Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Galant has said that his army is also ready for ground … Read more

Israeli PM Netanyahu had betrayed former US President Donald Trump!

Israeli PM Netanyahu had betrayed former US President Donald Trump!

Donald Trump On Benjamin Netanyahu : Former US President Donald Trump has accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of betraying him (Trump) just before the US killed a top Iranian general in 2020. Donald Trump has taken a slightly different stance from his support for Israel in the Republican presidential primary in response to Hamas … Read more

Hamas and Israel War Updates: ‘We will wipe out every trace of Hamas from the face of the earth’, Israel’s PM Netanyahu vows

Hamas and Israel War Updates: 'We will wipe out every trace of Hamas from the face of the earth', Israel's PM Netanyahu vows

Hamas and Israel War Updates today Israel is continuously carrying out air strikes in the Gaza Strip, due to which many areas one after the other are seen turning into debris. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that all the terrorists of Hamas are now dead for us, Hamas will be eradicated from the … Read more