
Mathura: Vrindavan will be vibrant on 17th December on the occasion of Banke Bihari Prakatyotsav, follow the advisory before coming.

Mathura: Vrindavan will be vibrant on 17th December on the occasion of Banke Bihari Prakatyotsav, follow the advisory before coming.

Banke Bihari Prakatya Utsav 2023: Prakatyotsav Vihar Panchami of Thakur Banke Bihari will be celebrated in a very grand form on 17th December in Mathura Vrindavan. On this day lakhs of devotees from all over the world will reach Vrindavan. After Vihar Panchami, there is a possibility of a large number of devotees gathering in … Read more

Banke Bihari Mandir: Change in the darshan time of Thakur Banke Bihari Temple on the day of Sharad Purnima, know the reason.

Banke Bihari Mandir: Change in the darshan time of Thakur Banke Bihari Temple on the day of Sharad Purnima, know the reason.

Banke Bihari Temple: This time it is Sharad Purnima on 28th October and a large number of devotees will come to Kanha’s city Vrindavan. A large number of devotees also reach here in the pale moonlight of Sharad Purnima to have darshan of their deity. But, this time due to the lunar eclipse, Thakurji will … Read more

Banke Bihari will not be visible in the moonlight on Sharad Purnima, will have to wait for a year due to eclipse

Banke Bihari will not be visible in the moonlight on Sharad Purnima, will have to wait for a year due to eclipse

Banke Bihari Temple: Devotees wait throughout the year to visit Banke Bihari on Sharad Purnima in Vrindavan. For this, people from different parts of the country reach Mathura Vrindavan. On Sharad Purnima, Thakur Banke Bihari appears to the devotees playing the flute in the moonlight in the posture of Maharas. Devotees get such an opportunity … Read more