
Dogs bit 3200 people in Patna within 45 days, 70 to 80 victims reaching hospital every day.

Dogs bit 3200 people in Patna within 45 days, 70 to 80 victims reaching hospital every day.

Anand Tiwari, Patna. A large number of people are becoming victims of dog bites every day in Patna district. There has been an increase in the number of people applying anti-rabies in hospitals. Till the last few months, on an average 1250 to 1500 people were coming to Patna every month to take anti-rabies dose. … Read more

UP News: Anti-rabies injection was not given after dog bite, kept in room when condition worsened, child died

UP News: Anti-rabies injection was not given after dog bite, kept in room when condition worsened, child died

In Meerut, on Raksha Bandhan i.e. 28th August, an 11-year-old child was bitten on his right leg by a stray dog. After this the family took him to a private doctor. There the doctor gave the child a tetanus injection instead of anti-rabies. However, at that time the child got relief. But, 1 week ago … Read more