
Gherao of police station demanding arrest of Mahant’s killers

Gherao of police station demanding arrest of Mahant's killers

Aligarh: On Sunday, a protest was held by gheraoing the police station Sasni Gate due to lack of arrest against the murderer of Mahant Yogesh of Gorakhnath temple. In the month of September, the case of murder of Mahant Yogesh came to light in Gorakhnath temple located in Panch Nagari, while Mahant’s supporters protested for … Read more

Aligarh: Wife murdered by slitting her throat on suspicion of illicit relations, accused husband absconding

Aligarh: Wife murdered by slitting her throat on suspicion of illicit relations, accused husband absconding

Aligarh: The husband killed his wife with a sharp weapon and locked the body in the room and fled from the spot. When the daughter came to see her mother, she saw her dead body. His throat was slit. It is being told that the woman was murdered due to illicit relations. The police has … Read more

Aligarh News: Stopped by firing high speed bullet and blowing horn, shopkeeper shot dead, attacker captured in CCTV

Aligarh News: Stopped by firing high speed bullet and blowing horn, shopkeeper shot dead, attacker captured in CCTV

Late night in Aligarh, a shopkeeper neighboring the BJP MLA was shot dead. This incident took place over a dispute over speeding bullets near the residence of two BJP MLAs. The police is busy searching for the attackers captured on CCTV cameras. It is being told that a relative of the deceased had stopped some … Read more

Aligarh: A 22 year old youth raped a 65 year old woman who was going to give food to her husband in the field, the accused absconding.

Aligarh: A 22 year old youth raped a 65 year old woman who was going to give food to her husband in the field, the accused absconding.

Aligarh: A case of rape of an elderly woman by a young man has come to light. The incident took place in Kaudiyaganj area of ​​Akrabad police station in Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh. It is being told that the 65-year-old woman was going to the farm to deliver food to her husband. The youth … Read more

Aligarh: Dead body of area manager of Nerolac company found in Pradhan’s field, police engaged in investigation, know the whole matter.

Aligarh: Dead body of area manager of Nerolac company found in Pradhan's field, police engaged in investigation, know the whole matter.

There was a stir in Aligarh when the dead body of the area manager of Nerolac Company was found in Pradhan’s field. Blood was found coming out of the mouth of the deceased youth. Besides, the target is also being said to be on the neck. The family members have expressed fear of murder by … Read more

Aligarh: The girl who came to seek justice was made to sit in the police station for hours, when the video went viral the police came into action.

Aligarh: The girl who came to seek justice was made to sit in the police station for hours, when the video went viral the police came into action.

Aligarh: In the name of action against bullies in Aligarh, a girl has been accused of keeping a girl sitting in the police station for several hours. The girl was forced to make a video and make it viral on social media. When the news spread, the police opened their eyes and shrugged it off … Read more

Aligarh: After the murder of Mahant, there is conflict between two parties, one is opposing the police, the other is adamant on demanding his arrest.

Aligarh: After the murder of Mahant, there is conflict between two parties, one is opposing the police, the other is adamant on demanding his arrest.

Aligarh: The upper caste community has come out on the streets in protest against police action against innocent people in the murder case of Mahant Yogesh Nath Kori of a temple in the district. On Friday, people from the upper caste community came to surround Sasni police station in support of the named people involved … Read more

Murderous sister-in-law: To take revenge from her in-laws, she killed her 5-year-old brother-in-law, called her garbage and got her children to dispose of the dead body.

Murderous sister-in-law: To take revenge from her in-laws, she killed her 5-year-old brother-in-law, called her garbage and got her children to dispose of the dead body.

Aligarh: Due to family conflict in Aligarh, sister-in-law killed her five-year-old brother-in-law and threw him in a well. When the brother-in-law was searched, his body was found lying in the well. Police reached the spot after receiving the information and removed the body and sent it for post-mortem. The same accused sister-in-law has been arrested … Read more