
Agriculture: India’s agricultural exports and GDP suffered a blow


agriculture: On one hand, all kinds of claims are being made regarding the boom in the Indian economy. However, there is a decline in the country’s agricultural exports and agricultural GDP. It is being told that the country’s agricultural exports declined by 8.8 percent to $ 43.7 billion during April-February in the financial year 2023-24. … Read more

It is important to empower small and marginal farmers

Jharkhand: Big news for farmers, government will give gift, those taking loans up to Rs 2 lakh will get relief - Prabhat Khabar

KC Tyagi / Bishan Nehwal India, a country with vibrant agricultural traditions, is struggling with a paradox. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the country’s total food grain production was to reach 311 million tonnes in 2023, but its current storage capacity is only 145 million tonnes. According to … Read more

What is drone didi? Women farmers are being given training, know the whole matter

What is drone didi?  Women farmers are being given training, know the whole matter

Under the ‘Drone Didi’ program started by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) located in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, many women of the state are taking training to operate drones for the purpose of agricultural work. This is a skill development initiative of its kind. Drones are being trained to provide benefits to agriculture According to … Read more

Agriculture and Rural Development Bank will open in Bihar also, farmers will get huge capital in the form of loan

Agriculture and Rural Development Bank will open in Bihar also, farmers will get huge capital in the form of loan

Manoj Kumar, Patna. Agriculture and Rural Development Bank (ARDB) will open in Bihar. Farmers will get medium and long term loans from this bank. This bank will be operated by the Cooperative Department. At present only KCC loans are being provided to the farmers by cooperative banks. With the opening of this bank, farmers will … Read more

If you want to see the changed agriculture in Bihar, then come to Gedabadi, Prashant left the job of computer engineer and wrote a new story.

If you want to see the changed agriculture in Bihar, then come to Gedabadi, Prashant left the job of computer engineer and wrote a new story.

Eddy Khushboo, Gedabadi. The unique farming of Prashant Kumar Chaudhary, resident of Kheria village of Kodha block area, has become a source of inspiration for the people. Prashant has left his job as a computer engineer in Delhi and is doing gardening in the village. He also inspires the youth to arouse their interest in … Read more

Aligarh’s soil gets depleted of nutrients due to chemical fertilizers, fossil carbon reaches less than 0.50

Aligarh's soil gets depleted of nutrients due to chemical fertilizers, fossil carbon reaches less than 0.50

Aligarh: Soil health is continuously deteriorating due to indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers. Fossil carbon in healthy soil should be 0.75 but due to excessive use of chemicals in the fields of Aligarh its quantity is less than 0.50. Soil testing or land testing in agriculture is the chemical examination of soil samples. Which gives … Read more

Up Weather: Wheat crop benefited from unseasonal rains, mustard, potato, gram, pea suffered loss, farmers should take these measures…

Up Weather: Wheat crop benefited from unseasonal rains, mustard, potato, gram, pea suffered loss, farmers should take these measures...

Lucknow/Aligarh: Due to rain, the temperature has dropped and some crops are also in danger. If the temperature drops continuously and it rains continuously, it will prove harmful for the crops of mustard, potato, gram and pea. However, the Agriculture Department has alerted the farmers to protect their crops from damage and has suggested measures … Read more

Women will get help in farming through drones, government approves the plan, read full news

Women will get help in farming through drones, government approves the plan, read full news

Women To Get Help In Farming Through Drones: The Union Cabinet has approved a central scheme to provide drones to 15,000 women self-help groups (SHGs) for two years. Rs 1,261 crore has been allocated for this scheme. Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur told journalists that the decision in this regard was taken in the … Read more

Mathematics teacher is teaching self-reliance, fate of farmers changed through organic farming

Mathematics teacher is teaching self-reliance, fate of farmers changed through organic farming

Saumya Jyotsna Pratibha Tiwari, who was once a mathematics teacher, used to have a lot of enthusiasm for farming, but she was not able to give enough time to her hobby. Finally he decided to do organic farming. It is the result of her hard work that today she is helping 1200 farmers in increasing … Read more

How are IoT and AI transforming farming? Read this special report

How are IoT and AI transforming farming?  Read this special report

How IoT and AI are improving the agriculture sector? In the broader scenario of agriculture, where tradition and technology meet, Phylo has played an important role in changing the lives of around 5000 farmers with the power of IoT (Internet of Things). Phylo’s efforts go beyond just equipping farmers with IoT devices. It focuses on … Read more