
Free Data: You will get free unlimited high speed data, college campuses are being connected to Jio True 5G at these places.

Free Data: You will get free unlimited high speed data, college campuses are being connected to Jio True 5G at these places.

You will get full benefit of high speed unlimited data College campuses of Bihar-Jharkhand are getting connected to Jio True 5G. High speed data connectivity will speed up research The college campus is being connected to Reliance Jio’s True 5G service. Jio True 5G certificate is also being provided to the connected campus. True 5G … Read more

Jio Airtel and other companies giving on the quality of 5G services, COAI said this

Jio Airtel and other companies giving on the quality of 5G services, COAI said this

[ad_1] 5G in India: Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), an organization of telecom operators, has said that telecom companies starting 5G service are paying attention to the quality of service. COAI, however, said that only after the 5G network is available across the country, uninterrupted benefits of this fifth generation service can be availed … Read more

Airtel vs Jio: Airtel overtakes Jio regarding 5G rollout, high speed internet service reached in 500 cities

Airtel vs Jio: Airtel overtakes Jio regarding 5G rollout, high speed internet service reached in 500 cities

[ad_1] Airtel vs Jio 5G Rollout: Telecom company Bharti Airtel is rapidly expanding its 5G network. In this series, the company has started its ultra-fast 5G service Airtel 5G Plus in 235 new cities of the country. Airtel has become the first telecom company to rollout 5G internet service in 500 cities in the country. … Read more