
Swachh Bharat Mission: How the capital will become clean, some people’s habits are dirtier than dirty toilets

Swachh Bharat Mission: The corporation has given them the facility of modular toilets in public places by connecting the public with the cleanliness campaign. The lack of cleanliness inside these toilets is often visible due to which people shy away from using it, but some other picture also comes to the fore which is really worrying as well as shameful. Yes, modular toilets made for women in Morhabadi area of ​​Ranchi are being used by some men. In such a situation, it is a matter to think that where will the women go at that time. Not only this, how to teach the lesson of cleanliness to the people with such dirty habits from the society is also a matter to think about. Everyone’s participation is necessary for its diagnosis so that the people of the city can be encouraged to use clean sanitation equipment properly.

The corporation has given them the facility of museum museum from public Swachh Bharat Mission at public shops. The lack of cleanliness inside these toilets is seen again and again due to which people shy away from using it but some other pictures also come to the fore which are shameful along with being shoddy.

Yes, modular toilets made for women in Morhabadi area of ​​Ranchi are being used by men. In such a situation, it is a matter to think that where will the women go at that time. Not only this, how to teach the lesson of cleanliness to the people with such dirty habits from the society is also a matter to think about. Everyone’s participation is necessary for its diagnosis so that the people of the city can be encouraged to use clean sanitation equipment properly.

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