
Summer Tips: Want to get rid of mosquitoes, mix these things in water while mopping

Summer Tips: The problem of mosquitoes increases significantly during the summer season. This problem is mainly seen in the morning and evening. Many types of diseases can occur due to mosquitoes at home. In such a situation, if you want that there should be no mosquitoes in your house and your house should also remain clean, then this article is only for you. Today we are going to tell you about some things which you should mix in water while mopping at home. If you mix these things in water then the problem of mosquitoes can be eliminated from your house.

Mix essential oils in water

If you want, you can add essential oils to the water while mopping. If you mix such oils in water and mop the floor, your floor will not only get cleaned but you can also get rid of insects and mosquitoes.

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Adding dish washer soap is also beneficial

If you want, you can also add dish washer soap to water while cleaning the house. There will be only one problem in mopping with this. First of all, after mopping with this water, you will have to mop with normal water also. If you do this then the problem of mosquitoes can be eliminated from the house.

Mix vinegar in water

You can add vinegar to the water you mop at home. There are many benefits of doing this. Firstly, your floor will start looking completely shiny and secondly, due to this, insects will also stay away.

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