
Summer Tips: Along with changing the look, these hats also protect from the sun.

Summer Season: Hats have been in use for thousands of years. People have been using hats for centuries in various social events, festivals etc. It was also considered a measure of people’s social status. Even today, in the army, hat is an excellent medium to display nationality and rank.

When did you start wearing hats?

Although there is no authentic information as to when the wearing of hats started, yet wearing them had started about 5 thousand years ago. The first picture of a hat was found on the wall of a tomb found in the Egyptian city of Thebes. It depicts a man wearing a conical hat made of straw. This picture is from around 3200 BC. Wearing a hat was very common in ancient Egypt. Apart from special events, people also used it on ordinary days.

Why do pirates wear hats?

If we talk about sailors, hats are a part of their uniform, but pirates do not have to wear any uniform, yet why do they always wear hats? Actually, the marine environment is quite harsh and here sailors have to face the sun continuously. In such a situation, these big hats protect their head and face from the sun. Direct sunlight also hinders vision, hence these hats protect them. This is the reason why even though his clothes are torn, he is not wearing shoes, but he definitely wears a hat.

What is the relationship between ‘Taj’ and ‘Hat’

If seen, there is no relation between crown and hat. While hats can be worn by everyone, crowns or crowns were meant only for rulers or gods. Through these he used to display his strength, victory and prosperity. It was also considered a symbol of respect for the rulers. People considered whoever had a crown on his head as the ruler. Wearing a hat may not confer the right to rule, but it is definitely a means of assessing the prosperity of people in the society. Even today in Nagaland, people show their social status through hats.

How did the trend of cowboy hat come into existence?

In films and cartoons, the hero is often shown dressed as a cowboy. People have liked its hats the most all over the world. This concept of cowboy originally came from America. Vast grasslands are found in many parts of the region. Where there is enough fodder for cattle. Shepherds bring their cattle to these plains for grazing. These shepherds are quite prosperous and have thousands of sheep and goats. To take care of them, they ride on horses and guard them. These hats help them in protecting themselves from the open sunlight in these plains. These shepherds are called cowboys there, but they use this hat in many other ways. Apart from the strong sunlight, it also protects them from gusts of wind, rain and snowfall. Not only this, when they feel thirsty, they also fill it with water for themselves and their horses, so isn’t it a very useful hat! The first cowboy hat was designed by John B. Stetson in 1865 during the American Civil War. Stetson was the most famous hat manufacturer of that time. The cowboy hat he designed was called the ‘King of the Plains’.

Also Read: Summer Tips: Try these natural methods to keep your house cool during the scorching summer season.

Some other interesting things related to hat

  • The black taxis running in London were made high only so that the people sitting in it did not have to take off their hats.
  • The Panama hat has never been manufactured in Panama. It is made in Ecuador.
  • People who supply men’s hats are called hatters and women’s hat suppliers are called milliners.
  • There is a strange law in North Dakota, America, under which prisoners in jail cannot dance wearing hats. For doing so they are punished. Similarly, in Kentucky a man cannot buy a hat unless his wife is present with him.
  • The traditional white tall sea chef hat has 100 pleats. This means that the chef knows how to cook eggs in 100 ways.

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