
Students create ruckus in Patna University regarding opening of hostels, lock university gate in protest

On Monday, the students of Patna College protested fiercely in the Patna University campus regarding the opening of hostels of Patna College. The students told about the university administration ignoring the interest of the students. During the demonstration, the students locked the main gate of the university. After the lockout, the dean of the university, Anil Kumar, explained to the students and got the lock opened and assured them to put their demands before the Vice-Chancellor. The students protesting on the spot told that for the last 15 days only assurance is being given by the university to open the hostel. Students say that if the hostel is not opened in the coming time, then our protest will be even more fierce and the university will be completely locked.

Books-clothes and papers are locked in the hostel itself

A student told that due to the closure of the hostel, the studies of the students are also getting affected. He told that books and clothes are locked in the hostel itself, due to which students are not able to attend regular classes. The students said that the college management should make arrangements for security. Students have been demanding for a long time to install CCTVs and ban the entry of outsiders into the campus, but till now no work has been done regarding security.

What did the proctor of the university say

Patna University Proctor Professor Rajneesh Kumar said that before vacating the hostels, the students were given an ultimatum of 24 hours, but the students did not follow the ultimatum. Because of which the students are facing problems. The university management has taken such a tough decision to maintain an academic atmosphere in the college.

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